Chasing Fame

I was listening to the Life. Church Podcast recently with Craig Groeschel, and it was all about chasing fame instead of chasing after the heart of the one who matters most. Today more than ever people want to be known, to be more respected, to have everyone’s approval. Most people in this world are looking for something more. I also think the fear of missing out or the fear of being inadequate plays into this as well. If you accomplish something then that will hopefully lead to the more that you are wanting. The more likes you get on Facebook or Instagram means you are liked or makes you feel more important. Craig asks this question a lot, “Who are you representing?”

“The trajectory of fame takes your heart away from God, away from other people and moves towards yourself.”

Craig Groeschel. Life.Church Podcast, Part 1. April 28, 2019.

I would love to say that what I do always reflects God, but that simply is not true. I would like to say that not getting enough likes on a post has never effected me, but it has. I sought people’s approval of me longer than I would care to admit. You grow up watching movie stars, singers, models and think one day I want that to be me. Today more than ever celebrities are being idolized. People think if they were in their shoes they would matter more, and if they had that kind of money, how much better their life would be. When that one day doesn’t come and you are just an average Joe with a great life but you feel like you are still missing something.. you lost the chase after our creator’s heart along the way. You got so wrapped up inside of yourself that you have lost the ability to see the big picture. The way God wants us to live is not for ourselves but for others. How can you help others if you are so wrapped up in “getting there,” whatever that is? Staying in this place will cause you to lose your faith because faith isn’t just about serving yourself.

Sometimes its so hard to get out of your own head to see the bigger picture. Sometimes you are going to have to lay down a dream of yours for awhile for the betterment of your family. You chase your dreams but you need to make a heart check and see where it’s coming from. Is it coming from the need for approval, the need to be known, purely for yourself? If God is not apart of it then you need to make sure that you spend sometime with Him making sure it is. Sometimes the delay in the progress of your dreams isn’t always a bad thing. The saying good things take time is true. If you are in a lull maybe it’s time for a heart check and to double check your priorities to make sure those are in the right place. God does good for all of those who seek Him. Even if it’s not on the path we wanted, doesn’t mean that it’s not good enough.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21


Somewhere along the way we have to stop seeking self-fulfillment and be grounded in His word. The path of self-fulfillment will leave you filling empty and searching for something more. His word is the first place to start when you experience these moments, because it reminds you of His purpose He has for you. We need to serve others with our heart chasing after Gods people not our own. We have to remind ourselves what brings honor to Him not to ourselves. We are made in our hearts to search for something more, and that more isn’t what this world has to offer, the longing in your heart that you are searching for is Him.


About The Author

leslie hertel