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Monthly Archives: August 2018


  Being still is not something that people like to do most days. We are always striving for something more, always running on a constant hamster wheel never satisfied with where we are. You see someone you know that is more successful than you and instantly feel the need to be doing more. You automatically feel unsuccessful because you are comparing your successes to someone else’s.  It is so hard sometimes to see other people succeeding and going places in life when you feel like you are just sitting still. Looking at someone else’s version of their happiness is not going to get you to your happiness. If you are constantly living through peoples highlight reels on Instagram or Facebook and think that’s how their life always is, your life will never be good enough. If I cannot have all the things in life that I want right now, why does it seem like they can? What makes them more successful than you? What you find successful and worthy may not be what God sees what is right for you. What if God’s intention is for you to be still? What if…

Mustard Seed

  Growth is always a great thing but it is not always easy. There are always ways you can grow spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. So far this past year I have been in a spiritual growth and it has bled over and helped other areas of my life as well. I would like to say that my relationship with God has always been this way but that would not be true. Over the past few years I let life become so overwhelming and letting the crazy schedule of my life control me instead of the other way around. People used to tell me all the time wake up before your kids and make that time to spend in your devotional, bible study or prayer and your day will be 10 times better. I never really believed them when they said that but over the last year most days I do try to get up and start my day that way and you know what? It actually does start the day off in a better direction, I am more patient with the kids, little things do not get to me that much and I am more positive. It also helps…