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Monthly Archives: November 2018

The Dark Cloud

This one is for all you mommas out there who have ever struggled with postpartum depression. I remember being pregnant and thinking that would never happen to me… well it did TWICE. I don’t know why we are so afraid of admitting when we need help, like we are supposed to be supermom all the time. That if we don’t have it together all the time then we aren’t a good mom. If I need help, that means I am doing something wrong. Having that feeling that I should be able to handle all of this because all these other moms can, but why? Why do we sit there and feed ourselves all these lies? Why do we beat ourselves so far down that we have to fight like hell to get back up? All because we don’t want to be labeled “that mom” that has PPD? Do not for one second try to think you are doing something wrong. Do not think that for one second that there is something you could have done differently. I remember after my first daughter was born I struggled with breastfeeding, it…

The 7 Year Itch

My friend and I were recently talking about marriage and all the things it teaches you and the hardships that you go through. A good marriage does not come without hard times, it’s through those hard times where you find out how much your love can really grow. Can you come out of the hard times stronger together or stronger apart? I fully believe that marriage makes you a better person. It challenges you to grow as a person all the time. You are going to have disagreements with each other, but it’s how you choose to face them whether your marriage grows or becomes stagnant. We were married at the very young age of 19.. yes I know crazy! lol. Our relationship before kids was incredible, we had our hiccups but we had so much fun; we were literally the expression of young, dumb and in love. I think when everyone gets married you think that it won’t happen to you or that you will be better than that. We won’t ever fight like that, we will never go to bed angry or I will never yell at my spouse or…