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Daily Archives: November 9, 2018

Its Your Story, Own It.

“Some of us cannot receive what God is doing in our lives because we are too married to our  expectations of what we thought God was going to do.”- Not a Hostage: Life Church Podcast This struck a cord with me yesterday as I listened to this podcast because I have been a hostage to my own expectations more than I would like to admit. How often do we let our expectations control our joy? How many times have you been in difficult circumstances and you pray that they will change? How many times have you felt the need to be liked, the need to be skinnier, the need to be a better mom, wife or friend? How many times have you looked at what your expectations of motherhood would be like and thought, “Where did I go wrong?” lol. When instead you can look in the mirror and realize that you are already enough for the only one who matters. You are made perfectly in His image not anyone else’s on this earth, and you will never be able to fill those shoes, so stop trying. Something that was hard for me was…