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Monthly Archives: August 2019

Don’t Lose Hope

Last night I held my first ever women’s event, and it was incredible. It was incredible because you see all these women in one place from all different churches and walks of faith but there for one purpose, to grow in their faith with God. Looking around the room watching women work together, volunteering their time is the ultimate goal of us as Christians to come together for the goodness of God. My heart was overcome with emotions, because when you really let the goodness of His grace fully consume you it humbles you. Just because you have made plenty of mistakes doesn’t mean that you are unworthy for His love. Most of my life I spent knowing of God and the goodness of what He can do but never fully deeply experiencing them. I didn’t understand the enormity of His grace until I was in my late 20s. I think we are often scared to truly follow Him because deep down we know it’s going to hurt. It’s going to cause us to lose, and losing is something none of us enjoy. The loss of a friend, family member…


Think back to when you were younger and the expectations you had of what your life would be like when you were a grown up. Maybe you sit there and you wonder where you have gone wrong or you feel like you are not worth enough because you “aren’t successful enough.” What about the expectations you have of God and what He should be doing for you? Have you ever been so frustrated because maybe what you had expected of God didn’t turn out as planned and because it did not go that way it led you astray? What about the expectations you had of what your husband would be like or even what motherhood would turn out to be? Have you ever really thought about how our expectations can hinder our present. How somehow this magical list of things you thought life would be is robbing you of your present joy. It isn’t that your expectations were wrong, but if you keep expecting these expectations instead of living in your moment of present joy you are only robbing yourself. No, it isn’t wrong to still have expectations of what…