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Daily Archives: October 31, 2019

A Letter for My Girls

A long time ago I cannot exactly pin point what age when we were asked what do you want to be when you grow up I wrote down a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and a Mom. Well one of those wasn’t really an option lol but the other one was always there. Even as I got older it was always to be a wife and a mom. Somewhere along the way in my journey as a Stay at home mom the pressure to be more than just a mom was there. Off handed comments were made and it dug at my self esteem. I now realize it had more to do with me than them. There was this pressure to always need to prove that I am more than just a stay at home mom because that title alone wasn’t successful enough, because I didn’t bring home a paycheck made me unworthy. I cannot tell you how many different things I tried selling that didn’t fit me at all, but I wanted to have just that one thing of my own. Only to leave me back where I started. Once we finally got…