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Daily Archives: March 16, 2020

Faith Over Fear

These past few days have been interesting to say the very least. When things feel like they are going out of control, what is the first thing you tend to do? Do you pray, cry, freak out, google for the right answer? You see the whole world going into a mass panic and you sit there and question yourself if you are doing the right thing. Do you begin to question your trust in God? Fear is something I have struggled with my whole life and most everyone does. Right now there are so many uncertain things happening that it can make you struggle for peace. This whole decision to take over Ruth + Esther I know God was leading me here, but now with everything happening, it has made me sit here and wonder did I do the right thing, even though I know in my heart I did. My husband is currently running himself ragged being on call trying his best in uncharted territory to take care of people. He is spending hours away from home, I am trying to navigate this new business venture all while trying to take care of three kids. There are plenty of things…