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Daily Archives: June 8, 2020

Good Bones

June is my favorite month, because it’s our anniversary month. I always look forward to walking down memory lane with my husband and reliving one of the best days. We are coming up on year 13… absolutely insane that it has already been that long. I have always said marriage is hard and it has its challenges but it is not that hard when you are married to the right person. We have had our struggle years, and I can vividly remember when I sat in our bedroom and thought I don’t know if we are going to make it. That’s when I turned to God and dug deeper into His word and I pulled closer to my husband. Recently I have started Holly Furtick’s online Bible study, Becoming Mrs. Betterhalf, and I have enjoyed it so much. There is always something we can be improving on in our relationships, ALWAYS, and that is what marriage is, it is work. I want to be the best version of myself for Adam and our family. I remember hearing someone before we had our girls say that we, Adam and I, come before…