
Over the past couple of weeks I have started a study through the Proverbs 31 Ministry called Trustworthy by Lysa Terkeurkst. Her journey through deepening her faith and trust in God has truly been inspiring. It has come at the perfect time for me as I am about to embark on an exciting new journey. The excitement has also come with fear and lots of bumps in the road, but it has also been a journey of reminding me where my trust needs to be. I trust God and I know in my heart that He is good and that He is near, but that doesn’t stop my human desires from trying to take the reins.  How many times have you tried to take things into your own hands thinking that it will turn out better? Or how many times was God’s timing just not moving quickly enough for you? I have been down both of these paths before more than once and in the end I always end up filled with more anxiety, stress, and fear, and I start looking in all the wrong places to tell me that I am doing the right thing.

I know that I need to drink more water and I have read all the things about all of the benefits it can provide for me. I know it’s good and everyday I have every intention of  drinking more, but it does not always happen. Trusting in God is much the same, how many times have you set through church and listened and read and you know that He is good, He is the Way the Truth and the Life. Knowing this and putting it into our everyday lives are two totally different things. You can hear it but if you aren’t absorbing it, if you are not nourishing your body, mind and soul with His truths you are missing it. You cannot discern and know that it is Him if you are not connected to Him. You cannot grow in your walk of faith with Him if you are not intentionally spending time with Him.

If you are going through a slump, a hard time and you just feel like you are in a yuck place make sure you turn to His truths. Make sure that the people that surround you lift you up and speak life into you, not death. Remind yourself that in these moments is when the enemy loves to weasel his way in and make you question the goodness of our Father. It starts with one small step in being more intentional with your time with God that will start making all the difference. He didn’t call you to be perfect or in the perfect place to start, He just wants you to take that leap of faith and let go of what’s holding you back and trust Him.  Let go of the need to control what you cannot see; He can see the road ahead of you, and He will see you through it. Rest in the fact that you are a daughter of the King and He works for the good of all those who love Him.



About The Author

leslie hertel