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What Really Has Your Heart

For a few weeks I have felt this heaviness and this nagging at my heart God was speaking to me, and I could feel it I just didn’t want to listen. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to admit that I was doing anything wrong. Maybe it’s because the fear of letting go of something is going to have major backlash on what I am trying to do. Then yesterday at mass with Father Bose and today on my podcast with Craig Groeschel I was reminded that I am trying to run from what God is trying to show me. I have one too many distractions in my line of sight to keep me from seeing what God is trying to show me. Have you ever experienced this? When you try to ignore it, it just keeps showing up in all different places until it smacks you right in the face.  I allow myself to become very distracted with things in this world that takes my heart and my eyes off of what God is trying to get to me to do. Writing my blog is important for me I really enjoy…

Stay The Path

“Someone else’s opinion of you is none of your business”- Rachel Hollis If you have been doing the last 90 days challenge or listening to her podcast then you know what I am talking about: people’s opinions of you and how you let them affect you. I am at my core a people pleaser, it is really hard for me when I come across someone who has a hard opinion of me. I would be lying if I said it doesn’t strike a chord to my heart, sometimes it cuts deeper than I would like to admit. Why do we let people’s opinions control how we feel about ourselves? Why do we let people’s opinions control our emotions at times? Why is it so hard to just stay on our path and focus on our journey and not seek the validation or acceptance of others? If you are succeeding or doing things right, the enemy is always going to be there to try and take you down. “Do not put peoples opinions above God’s calling”- David Groeshel  One of the hardest things that I…