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A Letter for My Girls

A long time ago I cannot exactly pin point what age when we were asked what do you want to be when you grow up I wrote down a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and a Mom. Well one of those wasn’t really an option lol but the other one was always there. Even as I got older it was always to be a wife and a mom. Somewhere along the way in my journey as a Stay at home mom the pressure to be more than just a mom was there. Off handed comments were made and it dug at my self esteem. I now realize it had more to do with me than them. There was this pressure to always need to prove that I am more than just a stay at home mom because that title alone wasn’t successful enough, because I didn’t bring home a paycheck made me unworthy. I cannot tell you how many different things I tried selling that didn’t fit me at all, but I wanted to have just that one thing of my own. Only to leave me back where I started. Once we finally got…

Don’t Lose Hope

Last night I held my first ever women’s event, and it was incredible. It was incredible because you see all these women in one place from all different churches and walks of faith but there for one purpose, to grow in their faith with God. Looking around the room watching women work together, volunteering their time is the ultimate goal of us as Christians to come together for the goodness of God. My heart was overcome with emotions, because when you really let the goodness of His grace fully consume you it humbles you. Just because you have made plenty of mistakes doesn’t mean that you are unworthy for His love. Most of my life I spent knowing of God and the goodness of what He can do but never fully deeply experiencing them. I didn’t understand the enormity of His grace until I was in my late 20s. I think we are often scared to truly follow Him because deep down we know it’s going to hurt. It’s going to cause us to lose, and losing is something none of us enjoy. The loss of a friend, family member…