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Running Out

Recently I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about time. I feel like when I turned 30 it all of sudden hit me out of nowhere that I am getting older. Maybe because when I was younger I remember when people turned 30 I thought they were so old and now I was one of them. It could also be that your baby just turned 3 and it just feels like yesterday when we celebrated her first birthday. Do not even ask me where 30 went and now I am almost half way through year 31. It’s weird how suddenly our view of time changes. I feel like time is going so fast I can’t hold on to it fast enough. How fraile is humanity? How short is life, and how full of trouble! Like a flower, we blossom for a moment and then wither. Like a shadow of a passing cloud, we quickly disappear. Job 14:1-2 Life Application Study Bible. Tyndale House Publishers;1996. The clock dictates our days, and most days for me there is not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. How many times do…

Choosing The We Over Me

Recently I bought the book called Emptied by the late Wynter Pitts and her husband Jonathan Pitts. When I bought this in my head I was thinking ok good this book is going to validate me and my feelings. This book is going to show me how I need my husband to do some things better. See these are all the things I have been talking about. Oh how I can imagine God laughing at me knowing what was waiting for me when I opened this book. Lately life has gotten crazy. I mean we have three kids and each of their different schedules it can make life pretty stressful at times. Not even throwing in all their sporting activities. His crazy call schedule and I have a list of things I am doing that run a mile long. It is so easy to let these things in life overwhelm you and you suddenly sit and realize that you and your spouse have not had a date night since who knows when. That you have been talking so much kid talk that you haven’t spent true time with each other. Its easy when this happens to start focusing…