
Being disappointed is hard to deal with some times. There are times when your disappointments come from the decisions that you made or when there is something you really wanted but God told you that you have to wait. If God tells you now and you follow the flesh instead of trusting in Him, you can become disappointed when that doesn’t work out either. I rea in a book recently that we become slaves to whatever has mastered us. If we trust in our flesh more than God then we become slaves to our flesh. If we trust social media before we trust in His word we will become slaves to what the internet feeds us. If we trust the scale to hold our worth then we become slaves to that number it shows. If we begin to trust in ourselves more than we trust on God we become slaves to earthly things.

For me I have put my trust in a lot of things social media, the scale, people of this earth and every single time I have been left disappointed because I have put my trust in things that cannot uphold it. When we are disappointed our immediate reaction is to trust our flesh instead of seeking the wisdom of God. When we are disappointed we start to lean into our desires and temptations, because if we are not connected to God it is so easy to do. There will be times when it isn’t the enemy preventing you from achieving what you want; it will be God saying no and not opening the doors that you are wanting, but if we are not connected we will not understand it. We will be consumed by our frustrations and disappointments and that opens the door for the enemy to begin his dirty work.

“God is the author of Truth that empowers us. Satan is the author of deception that imprisons us.”

It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way, Lysa Terkeurst. Nelson Books, 2018.

I am in a season of disappointment right now. I am not where I thought I would be at this point in my life. I can feel this tug of “there is something more” but I do not know what. It’s an unsettling feeling of waiting and testing of patience. I am girl that does not like surprises. When I was younger I would literally snoop and find all my presents before Christmas because I just had to know. Even in my thirties my Dad will wrap any gifts for me and make it so complicated to open just so I can’t peak and find out. So sitting back and just waiting is not an easy process for me. There have been times I haven’t waited and jumped into things that I thought were best and I was left disappointed. Disappointments can bring on fear and cause a stir in our contentment. I am trying and working so hard at trusting in His timing but it is still a work in progress. I am trying to look at disappointments as a way of God saying that there is something better on the horizon and to stay faithful.

Challenges and changes bring us closer to God, without them life is so comfortable that you begin to grow more distant from Him because you have the sense that you can handle life all on your own. Through our disappointments it’s a time to allow God to do new things in us, to see what beauty He can create. The truth is the more we focus on Him the more clear our purpose becomes. Through our disappointments our perseverance is being tested. Our disappointments are only a mere detour to where He is taking us. The detours will not last forever but if we do not draw closer to Him we will miss it when He tells us that we have arrived. I write this today because I am also encouraging myself to do the same. Trusting in the unknown is hard and not the easiest thing to do. There is hope in the unknown and in the hard times because it lies in Him, and His words speak truth and love which is undeniable. Keep trusting and keep pursuing His heart.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalms 25:5

This book is heartwarming and inspiring.

About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Beth Bailey | 5th Feb 19

    Leslie, I don’t know you personally but I went to school with your mom. I’ve never read one of your blog posts before but was compelled today to click and read this one. Well said, and thank you for being real and transparent. Your thoughts helped me today and I know they will bless others as well. Again, Thank you.

    • leslie hertel | 5th Feb 19

      Oh my gosh thank you so much!! That means the world to me! ❤️

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