Faith Over Fear

These past few days have been interesting to say the very least. When things feel like they are going out of control, what is the first thing you tend to do? Do you pray, cry, freak out, google for the right answer? You see the whole world going into a mass panic and you sit there and question yourself if you are doing the right thing. Do you begin to question your trust in God? Fear is something I have struggled with my whole life and most everyone does. Right now there are so many uncertain things happening that it can make you struggle for peace. This whole decision to take over Ruth + Esther I know God was leading me here, but now with everything happening, it has made me sit here and wonder did I do the right thing, even though I know in my heart I did. My husband is currently running himself ragged being on call trying his best in uncharted territory to take care of people. He is spending hours away from home, I am trying to navigate this new business venture all while trying to take care of three kids. There are plenty of things for me to be fearful of right now and the enemy has been very tempting, but it is in these times that we have to be so rooted in Truth to feel true peace.

Our struggle trusting God doesn’t come from what He says to be true, our struggle to trust comes from how fragile our human relationships are here on earth. When your trust in someone has been truly tested and tried it makes you question lots of things and doubt things you always knew to be true. It’s so hard to repair what has been broken, what has hurt you so deeply and learning to trust again is scary because it requires you to be vulnerable. Right now with everything going on, we are so vulnerable. We are so desperate for answers because the fear of the unknown is too much; instead of stopping praying and reading Truth, we are scrambling to buy a ridiculous amount of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and bottled water. We are forgetting about others and only focusing on ourselves and instead of extending a hand we are hoarding all for ourselves.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”- Psalm 94:19

This is the true testament of faith is trusting and believing in what you cannot see, in the unknown. We need to quit letting our fears and the fears of others run our decision making. The next time you are in the store check with your neighbor see if they need anything or if you  can help a struggling family more than you help yourself. The amount of time we have spent searching amazon or target for toilet paper you could have spent focusing less on what is causing you to be anxious/fearful and more on what can bring you peace. Yes stay informed, vigilant, social distancing etc. but do not let those things control your thoughts.

Times are scary and very unsure but I can assure you that no matter what He has the final say. He knows the road ahead and, no matter what, even here He is good. The next time your fears become so loud they are consuming you, stop and pray or sing your favorite worship song and let His peace overcome you. He will not fail you, He is our overcomer! I pray you all stay healthy and remember to be a light to others in this time!

 “You who fear Him, trust in the Lord, He is their help and shield.”- Psalm 115:11

About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Kevin | 16th Mar 20

    So true leslie

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