Just Call Me Coach

Recently I was listening a podcast called “Revived Motherhood” by Becky Thompson. She is amazing and a blog author as well. She is so encouraging and uplifting. The episode I am referring to is #6, and she had an interesting take on why we are tired sometimes as parents and I think you will like it too. Being a parent is exhausting, you are constantly juggling a million things at one time and trying your best to love each child the best way you can. I love how in this podcast she talks about feeling like she is a coach, her kids are the players, and she is coaching different teams trying to prepare each child for a different opponent and the opponents change all the time. The opponents being a math test, dealing with a friend, something that causes your child anxiety or struggling with sight words, etc. This really resonated with me because I feel this way with my girls. At the end of some days I am so mentally exhausted that I don’t even know my name.. lol. There are most days when I feel like I am having to coach them all my own, and today I was reminded also that I have a coach who has a game plan for me if I am close enough to listen: God.

“My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus”- Philippians 4:19

As a Mom I want so badly to be able to be there for my kids and help them through whatever they are going through as much as I possibly can, but there are times when I fall short. At times I believe I fall short because I am so busy thinking that I have everything together and in control when really I have no control at all. I have to remember that the enemy is always at work against us, and this enemy is our spiritual enemy. The enemy is after us and will do anything to keep us from being spiritually connected. He loves to make us have a moment of questioning. He loves to make us rethink God’s words to justify our actions. For me when I am not spiritually connected I tend to feel way more overwhelmed and shorter with my kids. I feel so exhausted, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. It’s so easy to let these things build up over time to where they are way too consuming. If we are doing this then what do we think our kids are doing at times also? My oldest is more anxious, has to be places on time, she also has a big heart and gets hurt easily. She is very creative. She is fearful with some things but brave with others. My middle is a wild card, she is funny, carefree but is more sensitive. She is not scared of anything (which terrifies me). The youngest is my more curious by the day, is finding her voice and is learning how to push some boundaries. Each one of our girls are unique which requires us to handle certain things differently with each one, which is hard to remember at times. Each one has to be disciplined differently, each one learns differently and plays differently which is always keeping us on our toes. Our daily challenges are always changing and some days are more challenging than others, but if we start taking time in our day, even 10 minutes, to just spend time with God more peace will enter your heart and will calm your life.  

“Let your heart have peace that only He can provide.”

As the coach aka mom to our team we have to remember that we are not alone in this parenting life. The victory in this game of life that we are teaching our children God is always there to help guide through whatever we are going through in life. We are not alone. He knows already what He is ready to do we just have to be close enough to listen. If we are struggling with parenting or dealing with situations within your family, pray to Him and He is there. Something Lysa TerKeurst said that I love is, “When we start compromising, we start justifying.” If we compromise our faith to our human need to control, we begin justifying our choices to not fully put our trust in God. For me I coach my kids better when I am spiritually more connected because my soul is calm. I don’t know about you but I parent better out of a place of peace and contentment than being worried and frazzled.  Take peace in the fact that we were not made to handle all of this in life. REPEAT.. You were not made to do this all. So if you are like me and begin to feel overwhelmed and defeated in being able to handle your team, find the peace you are searching for in God. Let Him feel your mommy worries with His wisdom so that you can coach your team to victory through Him.



About The Author

leslie hertel