Mustard Seed


Growth is always a great thing but it is not always easy. There are always ways you can grow spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. So far this past year I have been in a spiritual growth and it has bled over and helped other areas of my life as well. I would like to say that my relationship with God has always been this way but that would not be true. Over the past few years I let life become so overwhelming and letting the crazy schedule of my life control me instead of the other way around. People used to tell me all the time wake up before your kids and make that time to spend in your devotional, bible study or prayer and your day will be 10 times better. I never really believed them when they said that but over the last year most days I do try to get up and start my day that way and you know what? It actually does start the day off in a better direction, I am more patient with the kids, little things do not get to me that much and I am more positive. It also helps in other areas of your life and interactions with people to view them in a totally different way. Don’t be afraid of the quiet and the stillness that is when you find peace within yourself and when you can really connect with Him.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you,

along with malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as

God in Christ also has forgiven you.(Eph. 4:31-32) Fervent

Each bible study, devotional or book gives you different ways to look at life, a different way to read and understand Gods word. Every new study provides you with a different way to connect with God and helps you grow as a mom, wife and friend. Making that time every day to spend with God is much like anything else, do not make excuses just do it.

When your spiritual life is at a good place all the other areas of your life fall into place. You have to sow His word deep into your heart and allow His words to nurture your heart so that you can grow from them. I have had challenges with different people and situations and with a lot of praying and learning patience because I finally learned that the peace that you are so desperately yearning for will not come until God is ready. When that peace comes it is the most freeing thing you will ever experience. I have not had an experience where I have actually heard from Him but I have had the experience where I honestly feel Him. Your heart instantly feels a million times lighter, you feel like you can finally take a full breath for the first time and you can finally look at the situation or person in a new light. I had a time with a specific situation and I did not think that I would ever have the peace I was so desperately searching for, and one day it finally came, not on my time but God’s time. In all honesty when it came I appreciated it more than I ever would have before, and it happened during a time where I truly learned the most and grew from it.

The seed sown on rocky ground is the one who hears the word and receives it at once with joy.

But he who he has no root and lasts only for a time. When some tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, he immediately falls

away. The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word, but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears

no fruit. But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.- Matthew 13:20-23

Being more connected to God allows your life to become more grounded, peaceful and filled with more grace and purpose. He will always challenge us because that is how we grow and learn in our faith, but even if you are in a hard season of growth and deep in the trenches, know that He is still there with you. If you stay connected to Him, He will guide you out of it, but remember it won’t be on your time it is on His. Learn to give yourself some grace, forgive yourself and show others the same; even when they haven’t asked for it,.forgive them anyway, I know it’s hard but it holds you back more than it does them. It was a hard thing for me to wrap my head around honestly, why would I want to pray for someone who is so mean to me and has hurt me? Why do I have to forgive them when they have not asked for it? When I did I learned that I found more peace with each encounter and the bitterness and anger slowly began to leave. Be prayerful always everyday, make sure you make that time. I started keeping a prayer journal and that has been really good because even when the girls are swimming or playing at the park, while they are entertained I can journal for a little bit and it is good for my soul. If you are in the season of waiting for your peace don’t give up on it, push through and your peace will come when God is ready for you to have it.

Use this prayer from the book Come Matter Here;

“Dear God, why is it so hard to wait? Teach me to wait on you, to not expect some instant gratification but to see beauty in the times where things are slower and I can’t really predict what will come next. Show me growth when all I see is an hourglass. Teach me to wait on your love.” Amen


About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Jill Nichols | 28th Aug 18

    Wise counsel Leslie, thank you!

    • leslie hertel | 28th Aug 18

      Thank you so much Jill!! Thank you so much for reading!

  2. Morgan Williams | 28th Aug 18

    Great advice and so true! I’m hoping to pick some of these books up!

    • leslie hertel | 28th Aug 18

      You will love them!! Your support means the world!

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