Finding your tribe of friends especially when you become a mom is hard. I have lost some friendships ultimately because we moved and didn’t keep in touch as much or because we weren’t on the same level as moms or in life. You need to find friends that push you to be a better version of yourself, ones who can inspire you, friends who ultimately feed your soul and not eat it. It takes awhile for you to find your groove as a mom at first, and my best advice is to find the moms that you want to be like. I have met moms at gymnastics, the park, the zoo, our neighborhood, you can find them everywhere. You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone of keeping to yourself and just reach out to them. I have two of my high school girlfriends that are still to this day my best friends. We have made it through the awkward stages of life together, thanks jr. high, and we were there for each other through all the drama of high school and now into adulthood. In all truth no one will ever know you…
It started when I was 14 years old. I was seeking attention and approval from boys, for them to be the ones who made me feel like I was enough. When I was in junior high and even into high school I was not the prettiest one, or the most popular; I had plenty of friends like that, but it was not me. I can remember trying to buy short skirts, coloring my hair because maybe if I was blonde they would be more into me, and trying to like things I wasn’t necessarily into just to fit in. I smiled, laughed and I was friends with a variety of people, but the internal turmoil that I dealt with all through these years was so hard. Truth be told all these years later I can remember struggling so hard to just be wanted to be prettier, to be skinner, and it’s so painful to think about. “We will never be enough for this world because that’s not what God created us for”- Grace Valentine- Am I Enough I was 17 years old when I fell in love for the first time, and…