
Over the past couple of weeks I have started a study through the Proverbs 31 Ministry called Trustworthy by Lysa Terkeurkst. Her journey through deepening her faith and trust in God has truly been inspiring. It has come at the perfect time for me as I am about to embark on an exciting new journey. The excitement has also come with fear and lots of bumps in the road, but it has also been a journey of reminding me where my trust needs to be. I trust God and I know in my heart that He is good and that He is near, but that doesn’t stop my human desires from trying to take the reins.  How many times have you tried to take things into your own hands thinking that it will turn out better? Or how many times was God’s timing just not moving quickly enough for you? I have been down both of these paths before more than once and in the end I always end up filled with more anxiety, stress, and fear, and I start looking in all the wrong places to tell me that I am doing the right thing…

The Year of Purpose

I love the feeling of going into a new year. It’s the chance for new beginnings, a fresh start to hit the reset button. It’s so easy to be full of hope and excitement the first month in, and then the newness wears off and life kicks back in to full gear. What if instead of resolutions filled in earthly goals we focus on the heavenly ones. The ones where we receive the ultimate fulfilment. The one that sustains us above anything. I have had the feeling of defeat kick in all too soon on some resolutions, but I have realized that the goals I had were to me focused and not enough He focused. “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for they are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Galatians 5:16-18 He has a purpose for your…