Meet Me At The Well

I have been working on this blog topic this week. On Saturday I was blessed to be able to attend a women’s event here in my town, and the woman who spoke, Kelly Bland did such a great job. In the different scriptures she talked about, John chapter 4 was one of them. I just smiled to myself because some of the things she spoke about I had been thinking through this week, and she spoke from another perspective and it was exactly what I needed. Have you ever read the story of the Samaritan woman? It is truly touching when you read it. Jesus sitting at the well alone, and enters the Samaritan woman, whom is usually an outcast and one that is unspoken to. Have you ever paid attention to what time the woman came to the well? She came to the well at noontime, it doesn’t seem like anything but when you think about it, it’s an odd time. The wells are usually located outside of town and most women would go draw water from the well in the morning and night time, but she is coming at noontime. Her coming…

The Set Back

For those of you who have followed my story know that I have struggled with an eating disorder. If you haven’t heard my story I wrote a blog about my journey which is titled Shattered, so you can go back and read it. Towards the end of summer I started to feel really convicted about me being obsessed with my body. I would sit in the mirror and critique myself on how all the ways I look disgusting and awful. I am too fat, I have too much cellulite, my mom pooch is sticking out, etc. I would see someone on Instagram or Facebook that would instantly make me degrade myself in a bikini. I would make myself get up go to the gym to workout at 5:30 so that I made sure and made time to get my workout in before anything else. I was going backwards and not forwards with how I chose to see myself and my body. You see there is one problem with this, what I was doing with my body wasn’t honoring God, it was dishonoring Him. Instead of me investing in my time with Him I was investing…