Pushing Forward

Have you ever had such a clear sign/message from God leading you in a path, you listen and follow His lead and as you get further and further into that path nothing feels right? You begin to question everything, and you start to ask yourself, maybe I really didn’t hear from Him? I think He made a mistake and picked the wrong girl? This is so hard it cant be right. If this is you I can assure you that you are not alone. Since my whole journey with Ruth + Esther has begun I have never felt more unqualified in anything. I have sat here a million times thinking that He made the wrong choice. How many times have you heard that God never gives you more than you can handle? I know I have heard it more times that I can count on my hands and toes, God never said that and maybe that’s why some people have this misinterpretation of what following your calling Christian calling should look like. I can assure you that following in what He has for you is HARD. Yes, there are times where it is beautiful and its beautiful even in the hard but on those really HARD days it feels like you made the biggest mistake of your life.


I want you to be remember you are NOT  a mistake. God makes no mistakes. Do not think that for one second the enemy isn’t waiting for his moment to slither his way into your thoughts and talk you down. When you start pursuing God and His purpose for you, there is nothing he likes more than to try and take that fire inside of you away. He knows the perfect ways to talk you into so much self doubt that at times you will actually believe it. He will make you question your trust in God, if you fear is at the forefront of these thoughts then you know in your heart that those did not come from God they came from the enemy. We are not called to be fearful because if you are doing what God has called you to there is nothing to fear because He is with you. There have been so many times I have had fears, but every time I do I turn to the truth to set me free of those fears. If you don’t combat your fears and self doubts with the truth, then you are not fighting them with the only thing that will truly set you free.

“Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:9

We are human and we have our weaknesses, but He is there to guide us through our weaknesses. He is there to provide solid truths for you to use as an anthem over them. Think about this for a second, when you have a big decision to make and you know in your heart what to do, how  many times do you call friends, family and ask for advice. You are desperately searching for someone to guide you in the right direction; what if you put that much effort into searching through His truths for that answer? The Bible isn’t just for us to read and pick the rules we want to follow, it is our guide to life the life He has called you into.

Throughout your journey you are going to have more times than you would ever think possible that you want to just give up and throw in the towel. It will be easier to walk away than to stay in and fight but I pray you stand firm in your faith and fight for Him. You fight the enemy with His truths and when you do that he won’t be able to stand. I have cried more times in the past three months than I have in the last year, but for every tear He has been there reminding me of His promises ever step of the way. The best way to fight is to be connected to Him so that when these problems arise, you know how the first place to turn to combat the lies. He truly knows the desires of your heart and in His time He will make it all come together. Hold your head up, you’ve got this!!




About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Rachael Hons | 1st Mar 20

    Thanks for that “thumbs up”! ❤️

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