Running Out

Recently I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about time. I feel like when I turned 30 it all of sudden hit me out of nowhere that I am getting older. Maybe because when I was younger I remember when people turned 30 I thought they were so old and now I was one of them. It could also be that your baby just turned 3 and it just feels like yesterday when we celebrated her first birthday. Do not even ask me where 30 went and now I am almost half way through year 31. It’s weird how suddenly our view of time changes. I feel like time is going so fast I can’t hold on to it fast enough.

How fraile is humanity? How short is life, and how full of trouble! Like a flower, we blossom for a moment and then wither. Like a shadow of a passing cloud, we quickly disappear. Job 14:1-2

Life Application Study Bible. Tyndale House Publishers;1996.

The clock dictates our days, and most days for me there is not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. How many times do you let yourself become so overwhelmed with your schedule that it’s weeks before you realize that you haven’t really penciled in any time with God? There are days where it is bedtime before I realize that I didn’t make enough or any time with God that day. It’s so hard because, as humans, we view time so much differently than God. He knows the beginning and the eternal end, He doesn’t have to deal with time because where He is time does not matter. Our creator takes His time with things because He already knows the outcome. Our society is one of instant gratification so when we are seeking something from God and it isn’t happening in the time frame we are wanting we become frustrated and discouraged. We do this because everything that comes from God comes in its good and perfect time not on our time. He will prune you many times before you flourish. It takes flowers plenty of watering before they establish and grow; it is a lot the same in our journey with God.

Sometimes it is not even an overflowing schedule but rather a slew of distractions, I like to call them devil road blocks because he loves nothing more than when we spend less time with our creator than we intend to. He has his ways of twisting the truth just enough to make you believe it. I have let this happen more times than I would like to admit. I have let distractions become more important than our creator. If we are being constantly distracted how are when going to know when God is present? Recently when I was listening to one of the Girls Night Podcasts with Stephanie May Wilson they said something that really stuck with me- “Every yes is a no to something else.” Every yes takes time away from spending time with God, your family, your spouse etc. so that yes better be worth what you are sacrificing for.

If we keep functioning off time, our ways, and our schedule we will inevitably run out of the fuel to keep on going. If we are functioning with God He will help sustain us. We can try our hardest to keep going on our own, but eventually we will fall because we were never made to handle it all. Time will never be on our side, there will never be enough to go around. We need to remind ourselves of the time that we are working towards, our eternal future, not the instant gratification that this world provides us. Use the time that you have wisely and let His wisdom nurture your heart so that He can help you flourish.


About The Author

leslie hertel