
I have been doing a deeper study into the book of Matthew for awhile,and I have so enjoyed it. I have learned so many things and even from stories that I have known about most of my life. In chapter 5 verse 13 of Matthew he starts talking about how we are the salt of the earth, and what happens to our salt when it has lost its taste. I have never really dived deep into this but for some reason that morning it just struck me,and I wanted to understand more. The distinctness that salt gives us has taken on a new meaning for me.

13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has list its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for any thing except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”

Matthew 5:13

Our job as children of God is bring His love, His truth to the world. We are to show His love by living it out in our daily lives. When we volunteer for our community people get a taste of our salt and see the light of the God. When we are there for a friend going through a hard time, people taste the salt and see the light of God. When you volunteer at your church people taste the salt and see the light of God. There are so many more examples that bring the taste of our salt to people in the world. When we show our discipleship in action it brings people to want to take action. As Christians we are to be set apart. When you lay down your wants, your needs, your plans and put your life in the hands of the one who has your life under control,your life has to change. Imagine when you put salt on your food it changes the taste, it enhances the flavor. If you prioritize what the world finds important your salt will begin to lose its taste. You cannot be what Douglas Sean O’Donnell calls “a diluted disciple” and make a difference. You cannot be part in and part out. You cannot stay on your own path, you must shed your old skin to make a new. Once you embrace the newness and your distinctness, your salt is what the world begins to see.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives the light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16

Read that verse again and pay attention as it says YOU ARE, not you are to become it says YOU ARE. You already have the light within you. He created you with your distinctness and your light, you just have to be rooted in Him for it to shine the way He has intended it to. As Christians we are not to hide in the darkness of this world, we are to penetrate it. We are to find the darkness and let His light that is within us bring the darkness to light. When your light is shining because of His goodness the world takes note and it leaves an impression on them to follow. We are to be visible to the world and that means living out the life He has called us to do. This will not always be that simple. It comes with many hiccups in the road, but the end result is worth every bit.

If you truly want to come to Him you have to come to Him spiritually hungry. Allow yourself to experience this hunger. It’s truly incredible what His word can do in your life. When you are spiritually hungry He is able to move in ways you have never seen.

“Faith manifests itself not so much by what one knows or feels, but by what one does in response to Jesus.” Douglass Sean O’Donnell

Matthew; All Authority in Heaven and on Earth. Douglas Sea O’Donnell. Crossway,2013

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About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Rachael Hons | 31st Jul 19

    A WONDERFUL way to be welcomed to your blog…

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