Soak In The Sunrise

Do you ever have those days or a week where you feel like the life you are living is a blur or that it can’t be real? The sunrise doesn’t seem that magical. The day feels like it is never going to end. It’s not always because something terrible has happened in your life. It can just be one of those weeks where it just feels like nothing is going right. Your kids are out of control and you feel more like a referee more than usual. You’re getting ready for Christmas time and all the love and chaos it brings, and suddenly it feels like the joy is sucked right out of you. If this sounds familiar you are not alone because I am right there with you. 

I was reminded as a listened to a podcast that I am overwhelmed because I am trying to be in control of everything when I am not meant to be. I am overwhelmed because I have been prioritizing my time in the wrong areas instead of feeding my soul with His word. We all have times where we become too consumed with earthly things that we start drowning before we realize what is going on. We let our soul become so beaten down that even the good things in our lives seem like they are not enough.  This was a good reminder for me that I need to focus my time on areas that feed my soul more. Spending time reading His word, listening to music that brings me close to Him, or listening to podcasts have been a great way for me if I am on the go to spend time with Him and His word. I need to stop and truly find more appreciation in my life. I love how Craig Groeschel said we need to reframe how we look at things and different situations in our life. Doing this reminds you that even in the small moments, even in the not so good days, there is always something to be thankful for. If you consistently feed yourself negativity then it will become you. I have been writing down ten things that I am grateful for every morning and it does help start my heart off in a more positive way. It is so easy to look at people around you, even people you don’t know on social media, that will make you question the good in your life. When this happens remind yourself that this is the work of the enemy trying to turn you from the goodness of God. He has been doing this from the beginning with Adam and Eve twisting the goodness of God for his benefit.

I was working out the other morning listening to a podcast and it reminded me of watching the sunrise in the morning.  Every morning while I am finishing my workout watching the sun come up it is just magical. There is never a sunrise that isn’t beautiful. They are each unique. Each one is a reminder that God painting the morning sky right before your eyes. Every single morning it brings a smile to my face. It reminded me how special this is. Each morning truly is a gift. Handmade gifts are my favorite and there is nothing that could be more beautifully hand done than God’s work not only in the sky but on this earth. He is granting you another day to bring His love into this world. He is shining His light into this world and it’s up to you what you do with that light. Do you take it and let it set your soul on fire for Him or do you the things of this world dim that light and dull your shine? 

“Each sunrise is God shining His light into your heart. Soak it in and let that light guide you.” – The Grace Fueled Life

About The Author

leslie hertel