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Show Up

Just this week I started the Last 90 Days challenge with Rachel and Dave Hollis. At the start of each week you get an email with 5 things for you to do each day so that you finish out this year stronger than you started. It’s about not waiting until the New Year to start over or start off stronger. I am in the first week and it’s already challenging me, which is good because I needed it. I don’t know why I needed this to push myself further but I did. One of the things they are always talking about is showing up for yourself. Stop breaking those promises to yourself. If you have committed to working out 30 minutes a day, then do it. Don’t miss one day because it won’t hurt anything…you are hurting yourself. If you have committed to giving something up that isn’t good for you, do it! If you committed to a new bible study or spending time in prayer you, do it! I have started waking up at 5:30 in the morning, which I said I could never…

Challenge Yourself

  “Don’t let someone in the cheap seats get an expensive opinion in your life” Rachel Hollis I just got done listening to another Rise Together podcast, and oh my was it good. I love their podcasts because they challenge and inspire you. You get done listening to it and you feel pushed to become a better person. In this podcast it makes you truly think about where you are headed in the areas of your own personal growth and how your personal growth is a necessity for you, your marriage and your family. It is hard to think about what all you want to accomplish and not let your fears overcome those dreams. When we are working on our own growth some people will have an opinion and the enemy, which is Satan, will always try and tear you down. Satan will try and steal your joy. When we are working on ourselves and bettering ourselves is when our marriage flourishes. We should want what is best for ourselves and each other. We should want to challenge each other to strive for the best versions of themselves. As our girls are getting older I am…