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Lets talk about obedience in our journey with Christ. Being obedient to what He is calling us to do requires us to step outside of our wants and desires for something greater. The world that we live in asks us to focus on bettering ourselves, focusing on our self care, and when we focus so much inward we lose the greatest purpose God has called us to. Think about when you were growing up and maybe for some it was a sport you wanted to excel in or something in music, art whatever it was, it required discipline. It required you gathering all the equipment you would need to even begin. It required a lot of practice to be good at what you wanted to do. I remember practicing shooting for hours for basketball. My parents would send me to camps, get the best Swoop basketball shoes (those were popular back in the day) and my uniform to play. All of these things require preparation, dedication and consistent practice to keep your skills up. Why do we think it would be any different in our walk with Christ? “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not…

Meet Me At The Well

I have been working on this blog topic this week. On Saturday I was blessed to be able to attend a women’s event here in my town, and the woman who spoke, Kelly Bland did such a great job. In the different scriptures she talked about, John chapter 4 was one of them. I just smiled to myself because some of the things she spoke about I had been thinking through this week, and she spoke from another perspective and it was exactly what I needed. Have you ever read the story of the Samaritan woman? It is truly touching when you read it. Jesus sitting at the well alone, and enters the Samaritan woman, whom is usually an outcast and one that is unspoken to. Have you ever paid attention to what time the woman came to the well? She came to the well at noontime, it doesn’t seem like anything but when you think about it, it’s an odd time. The wells are usually located outside of town and most women would go draw water from the well in the morning and night time, but she is coming at noontime. Her coming…