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This Saturday I was asked to be apart of such an amazing event, Made For More, put on by Ruth + Esther. I am still in so much awe of God’s goodness and His grace. Being in that room surrounded by women who are seeking Him and loving each other is the most incredible thing. Sometimes I sit here and I am just in complete awe of God. The parts of me that shamed me for so long, the parts that of my life that were so broken, He is using now to bring glory to His name. Last night as I listened to Hannah Lane speak; she had us close our eyes and imagine us being at the feet of God, handing over something that we are struggling with so that we can better follow Him. Then she asked us to see what God said to us and for me He said, “Mine.” So often I forget that I am His. That my faults and with all my wrongs He is still there loving me through it all. We are human and we will continue to struggle in this imperfect world and make mistakes, sometimes more…

The Calling

Most of my life I grew up hearing about God calling me and how it will change my life when I hear Him. I grew up waiting to hear this voice, and it never came. If you watch the TV show Manifest, the callings that they talk about reminds me of this sometimes. It made me question whether or not He was going to choose me. That maybe I was doing something wrong because I wasn’t hearing Him. At times it left me frustrated and defeated. Sometimes it deterred me from pursuing Him so much because nothing was happening. All that time He was trying I was just waiting for the wrong sign. It took me well into my late 20s to figure out that it doesn’t always have to be His voice that you wait for. He has other ways that He uses to try and reach us. So if you haven’t heard His voice hold tight. For me the first time I truly felt God that I can remember happened when I was 29 years old. I had been praying for a specific thing for years and felt like I was getting…