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Browsing Tag: faith

Back to School

There is nothing like summer coming to an end that suddenly gives you all the feels. Your kids have probably been driving you crazy, driving each other crazy, at least mine are and constantly fighting lol. I have had days where I say I’m ready and days when I’m not. I know it will be better for all of us to be back in a routine and have a little break from each other. This year our middle child starts Kindergarten, and I am having a hard time letting her go. She is still my baby, she loves to cuddle and hang out with me, and she definitely keeps me on my toes. I remember talking about this day like it would be forever until it got here and yet here we are. I hope my girls know how much I love them, how much I have treasured this time at home with them, and that I have enjoyed every little moment with them. There was not anything I wanted more than to be a mom, and I am forever grateful that I have been blessed with my three loves. Everyday is not all rainbows and…

Find your tribe

Finding your tribe of friends especially when you become a mom is hard. I have lost some friendships ultimately because we moved and didn’t keep in touch as much or because we weren’t on the same level as moms or in life. You need to find friends that push you to be a better version of yourself, ones who can inspire you, friends who ultimately feed your soul and not eat it. It takes awhile for you to find your groove as a mom at first, and my best advice is to find the moms that you want to be like. I have met moms at gymnastics, the park, the zoo, our neighborhood, you can find them everywhere. You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone of keeping to yourself and just reach out to them. I have two of my high school girlfriends that are still to this day my best friends.  We have made it through the awkward stages of life together, thanks jr. high, and we were there for each other through all the drama of high school and now into adulthood. In all truth no one will ever know you…