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It started when I was 14 years old. I was seeking attention and approval from boys, for them to be the ones who made me feel like I was enough. When I was in junior high and even into high school I was not the prettiest one, or the most popular; I had plenty of friends like that, but it was not me. I can remember trying to buy short skirts, coloring my hair because maybe if I was blonde they would be more into me, and trying to like things I wasn’t necessarily into just to fit in. I smiled, laughed and I was friends with a variety of people, but the internal turmoil that I dealt with all through these years was so hard. Truth be told all these years later I can remember struggling so hard to just be wanted to be prettier, to be skinner, and it’s so painful to think about. “We will never be enough for this world because that’s not what God created us for”- Grace Valentine- Am I Enough I was 17 years old when I fell in love for the first time, and…


The highs and lows of being a mom are oh so real. I had no idea when I became a Mom how much giving of myself it would take. There are days when being with girls fuels me, and there are those days when it drains the life out of me. Lately during summer I have felt more like a constant referee than a mom. Being a mom is hard and exhausting, it has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day I would not trade these girls for anything. I have found that reading devotionals or bible studies encourage me truly help open my eyes as a mother and have a more optimistic outlook on my day. It helps me to be more patient with them and to show them a little more grace. Because at the end of the day, they are kids and they are going to make many mistakes.  As a mom we are asked to raise these tiny humans to grow up and be people of God and to love as He loves us. That’s a huge and scary responsibility because you don’t want to make the wrong…