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I have been doing a deeper study into the book of Matthew for awhile,and I have so enjoyed it. I have learned so many things and even from stories that I have known about most of my life. In chapter 5 verse 13 of Matthew he starts talking about how we are the salt of the earth, and what happens to our salt when it has lost its taste. I have never really dived deep into this but for some reason that morning it just struck me,and I wanted to understand more. The distinctness that salt gives us has taken on a new meaning for me. 13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has list its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for any thing except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” Matthew 5:13 Our job as children of God is bring His love, His truth to the world. We are to show His love by living it out in our daily lives. When we volunteer for our community people get a taste of our salt and see the light…

Which Way

How many of you are like me and love to be in control? How many people like me live in the fear of what ifs or let your mind and soul become so consumed with anxiety that those voices get so loud you begin to question which way is the right way? Or how about the times God is trying to shut doors that you are wanting desperately to open but He is saying No? There are times He says no and you will be in a season of waiting that tests your patience and your faith, maybe He needs you in the valley so that He can break you down only to remake you and make you whole through Him. I am not going to sit here and pretend like I haven’t tried to lean on my own understanding more than God’s because I have many times. There have also been the times that I have let my own fears and anxiety cause me to not follow the path which He is trying to take me on. I have cried out to Him in my times in the valley and in the darkness because I…