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Browsing Tag: family

The Highs and Lows of Parenting

Motherhood with a toddler has been more than exhausting lately. Our youngest is 2 and has been throwing temper tantrums, challenging every thing we ask her to do, and is determined to do exactly what she wants to do when she wants to do it. Then you can throw in a back-talking, sassy and strong willed eight year old that is going on sixteen, and our five year old who is so exhausted from school she can’t even think straight, and all these things make for a constant struggle bus. These seasons of motherhood are beyond exhausting and so difficult. It is so hard to not the difficult things define your days. It is so hard to remember God’s grace and to show that grace to our children. Some days there is not enough time in the day or enough coffee, praying and wine. Lol. “Discipline is an act of love. Discipline can be positive.”- Dr. Meg Meeker One of the biggest struggles I have is discipline and doing it in a way that teaches them. So many times my beautiful, wonderful children push my buttons in all the wrong ways. They know…

Love Them Anyway

“People don’t need information; they want examples” Bob Goff You know those times that you feel like God is trying to challenge your heart? You read things and you hear things much like our church sermon recently, and it’s God trying to reach you again. This has happened to me recently, and I am no longer trying to run and hide from this. I am going to accept His challenge for me and work towards it. Over the last couple of months I have started reading this book; Everybody Always by Bob Goff. It is incredible; the challenge started with this book and it continued with my bible study and with hearing from God in multiple different settings. This book is about encouraging you to love difficult people, the creepy ones, the rude ones, and the not so loveable ones; to love them anyways because ultimately it is what Jesus has called us to do and it is what He did. He did not just choose the good people or the easy ones to love. He loved us all the same. I am not going to lie to you this task is a little…