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Browsing Tag: God


“Fear wakes us up. Fear reminds us to fight. It’s only when we know fear that we ever understand the depth of our need for its opposite-love. Fear can either keep us standing in one place, or it can propel us toward something better.”- Hannah Brencher- Come Matter Here   Do you ever fear that your life is so good that something horrible is going to happen to you? Just this week our family was dealt heartbreaking news that cancer has found its way into our family yet again. I’m pretty sure everyone has had to deal with cancer, and it’s the worst thing ever. Some people have unexpected things happen to their families that are just down right terrible, and I just sit here and think it’s going to happen to me, my life is going to good. Fear can easily come up with a mind of its own and quickly take over every decision that you make if you let it. It cripples you. I have a lot of fears relating to so many things that I cannot control, that’s ultimately what fear comes from…


  Being still is not something that people like to do most days. We are always striving for something more, always running on a constant hamster wheel never satisfied with where we are. You see someone you know that is more successful than you and instantly feel the need to be doing more. You automatically feel unsuccessful because you are comparing your successes to someone else’s.  It is so hard sometimes to see other people succeeding and going places in life when you feel like you are just sitting still. Looking at someone else’s version of their happiness is not going to get you to your happiness. If you are constantly living through peoples highlight reels on Instagram or Facebook and think that’s how their life always is, your life will never be good enough. If I cannot have all the things in life that I want right now, why does it seem like they can? What makes them more successful than you? What you find successful and worthy may not be what God sees what is right for you. What if God’s intention is for you to be still? What if…