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Browsing Tag: marriage

Wasting Away

The way you spend your leisure time is an indication of who you actually are. – A.W. Tozer VOUS Church, Rich Wilkerson Jr. 7 Rules for Self Discovery; Waste or Create. May 5,2019 A.W. Tozer has become one of my favorites to read, and I’ve tried to let the wisdom that he spoke to really resonate in my heart. How do you spend your leisure time? Is your leisure time fully self focused? Is it spent giving back within in your community? Is it spent helping your family? In your leisure time do you just waste the time that you are given? God does not want us wasting the time that we are given. In our leisure time are we creating a life that is reflective of our creator. Sundays are my favorite day because it is a reminder that it is a day with our creator and with my family. We rest, play, maybe take a nap and just enjoy each other. This leisure time with my family on Sundays gets me ready for the week. Sunday is the reminder that we are not made to handle all of it on our own. I…

Facing Reality

This morning while I was on my run I was listening to the Vous Church podcast by Rich Wilkerson Jr. He was talking about things that we need to breakup with in order to live and have the best relationship possible. There were four things that he talked about: 1. Breakup with fairytales 2. Breakup with your feelings. 3. Breakup with fate. 4. Breakup with your failures. As he went through this and talked about them, it really spoke to me. I am hoping it does to you too, and once you read this I really encourage you to go listen to it. How many times have you wished that your love story would just be like The Notebook? I know I can’t be the only one lol. I can remember so many times even as a little girl watching Cinderella or The Little Mermaid, and dreaming of the day my prince charming would come sweep me off my feet. Maybe you spent your time wishing and hoping for this fairytale because what you witnessed growing up wasn’t what you wanted for yourself. Just like Rich says in this podcast, “What you watched is what…