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Browsing Tag: marriage

Back To The Beginning

There is nothing like the end of the school year drawing near and sports changing up to add more chaos to your life. I told my husband recently that this time of year is almost worse than Christmas time. There are so many things being piled up that it has caused a pause in the making time for US in our marriage. I have been reading a book that has truly challenged me in our marriage. It has been such a book of encouragement and so uplifting. It has made me realize a few things that I had the wrong view on and some things that I could work better at. Do you remember how you and your husband were when you were first together? The early years of marriage of just the two of you wanting to be together all the time, going on dates, when you loved talking to him all the time, when you couldn’t wait for him to get home because you missed him so much in those 8 hours, or when we knew we wanted the best for each other and we were always on the same team not against each other, and…

Where’s The Owner’s Manual

Don’t you sometimes wish that being a parent came with an owner’s manual? I have so many times just wished I could look into a book and it would tell me exactly what I needed to do. Being a parent is one of the hardest things in the world; it tests everything physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you saw us in mass last night with our youngest I was completely worn down of all four of those things. The whole parenting realm is a big trial and error process and some trials are harder than others. Right now we are experiencing a couple of those trials with our girls now and it has been hard. We have had our days but I will not lose sight of our purpose as their parents. Expect progress not perfection. The Better Mom Devotional. Ruth Schwenk. Zondervan, 2018. Parenting is definitely a constant state of progression because just when you think you have it all figured out something will throw you into a tail spin and you are back to square one. Recently I started a devotional called The Better Mom Devotional by Ruth Schwenk. It has been so…