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Browsing Tag: mom


There is nothing like 2 full weeks of Christmas break to make you ready for the routine to kick back in. Lately I have been finding myself itching for something more. Searching for something for me again. After staying home for the past 8 years I reach times where I feel lost and lonely. I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. There will be times when I sit here and think, “Is this really all I have done with my life?” These girls are my pride and joy, but at times it feels like I just give and give until all the life has been sucked out of me. It is so hard to see other moms striving and thriving all while you feel like you are sitting still. This is one of the things that I hate about social media, because what you see isn’t always real life. Some people really aren’t thriving but they can portray so well. When I was listening to one of Rachel Hollis’ podcasts the other day she said, “Don’t compare your start to my middle.” This hit me…

Just Call Me Coach

Recently I was listening a podcast called “Revived Motherhood” by Becky Thompson. She is amazing and a blog author as well. She is so encouraging and uplifting. The episode I am referring to is #6, and she had an interesting take on why we are tired sometimes as parents and I think you will like it too. Being a parent is exhausting, you are constantly juggling a million things at one time and trying your best to love each child the best way you can. I love how in this podcast she talks about feeling like she is a coach, her kids are the players, and she is coaching different teams trying to prepare each child for a different opponent and the opponents change all the time. The opponents being a math test, dealing with a friend, something that causes your child anxiety or struggling with sight words, etc. This really resonated with me because I feel this way with my girls. At the end of some days I am so mentally exhausted that I don’t even know my name.. lol. There are most days when I feel like I am having to coach them all…