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Browsing Tag: momlife

Your Brokenness is Beautiful

For awhile I have been pretty hard on myself and the way I look. I walk past the mirror to see how “fat” I am or to stare at my cellulite that feels like there is more of but there really isn’t. It’s all still there but my view of it has changed. Just yesterday I was on Instagram looking at a cute picture of  Emily Maynard Johnson, her husband, and someone had the audacity to comment and say and I quote; “You are both beautiful, inside and out…. and I hope you are hiding another baby bump! Maybe a little sister this time??” Emily’s response to this was so amazing! “no I’m just fatter than I was before I had 3 babies in 2.5 years. Also I’m 32 years old and no longer feel the need to be a size 0. Not pregnant. Just a little fatter than I was at 24 and I’m ok with that.” Why do we feel the need to be so ugly to ourselves and each other? I have accepted the fact that I…

The Story

Have you ever just tried to read your bible chapter by chapter? I have and it is so hard to fully understand it. Plus it gets really overwhelming. I have been doing a bible study called Seamless, and it has changed the way I understand the bible. She presents it as a story and once you go through week by week you gain so much more understanding and are able to read the bible so differently. I was able to start putting people together that I haven’t been able to do before. It was amazing to sit here and realize that I have such a overall greater understanding than I did before I started.  Click the picture below for more of this bible study.    I recently read in one of my books, and I cannot remember which one, but it said to stop reading your bible. If you are just reading it to read it, you aren’t fully understanding it. I realized just sitting here constantly reading the bible but not really grasping or understanding it makes it almost impossible to truly understand what He is actually trying to tell us. For me the first time…