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Have you ever heard the saying that God will not give you more than you can handle? I have heard it most of my life. But here lately after listening to a couple podcasts, the most recent is Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson, they made me question it and realize that is not necessarily true. They talk about how it doesn’t specifically say that anywhere in the Bible and there are many times and seasons that we are in that it is more than we can handle but we have Him to get us through. This gave me a whole new perspective. I have had a lot on the plate and juggling it all has been hard, but lately with my first flight in twelve years upon me my anxiety and fears have been at an all time high. For some of you its worse things and you are facing fears of cancer, death of a family member, loss of a job, something that is way beyond what you can handle. In my situation I can feel my fears becoming more present than my faith and maybe for some of you that is what is happening as…


Being disappointed is hard to deal with some times. There are times when your disappointments come from the decisions that you made or when there is something you really wanted but God told you that you have to wait. If God tells you now and you follow the flesh instead of trusting in Him, you can become disappointed when that doesn’t work out either. I rea in a book recently that we become slaves to whatever has mastered us. If we trust in our flesh more than God then we become slaves to our flesh. If we trust social media before we trust in His word we will become slaves to what the internet feeds us. If we trust the scale to hold our worth then we become slaves to that number it shows. If we begin to trust in ourselves more than we trust on God we become slaves to earthly things. For me I have put my trust in a lot of things social media, the scale, people of this earth and every single time I have been left disappointed because I have put my trust in things that cannot uphold it. When we are disappointed…