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Whispers of The Enemy

I can feel God testing my courage. The list of my greatest fears are starting to come to a head. God is testing my faith to trust Him and not let my fears take over. I can feel Him tugging on my heart telling me to trust Him, He is asking me to get my courageous heart ready, with every courage inducing statement the enemy has been right there whispering my fears into my mind and my heart. He is testing my perseverance through my weaknesses. God does not want to reduce the conflict but increase my courage. Steven Furtick. Its A No Go; Elevation Podcast. July 29,2018. Have you ever had this feeling that God is preparing you for something big but you are having trouble staying still and patiently wait for Him to reveal what this big thing is to you? This is me right now. This past week I have been struggling with this feeling for more while staying home and all the feelings of being inadequate that come with that, the fear of not being enough for people on this earth, and my need to have my fulfillment come from what others think about me…

The False Race

This morning as I was doing my bible study I knew immediately that God put this in my path for a reason. For now I am going through a season in motherhood where I am struggling finding my meaning, my purpose, and it is such a hard struggle and I think even more so when you are a stay at home mom. I have struggled with this off and on during my eight years of staying home with a couple more years to go and it can feel like you are going nowhere. These feelings of loneliness and of being unworthy creep in when you least expect it. I am writing this because I am convinced that I am not the only other stay at home mom that feels this way. In the bible study, First Be A Follower, which is created by my most favorite author Hannah Brencher, one of the first few things I read of her hope for people doing this study was, “That we give up the false race of “getting there” to learn how to be here now.” In my personal journey as a stay at home mom I always feel…