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Lose Yourself

Have you ever been in church and listened to the homily thinking about how it applies to you? Or you open your bible and you read book after book trying to make it be about how it can help you? I have been there and done that way more times than I would like to count. On a podcast once (I wish I could remember who it was), and they were talking about this same thing and the person told him, “You know, maybe you need to get up out of that church pew and serve more than yourself.” The truth of the matter is, the Bible isn’t about us and it was never meant to be. The Bible holds the truths that God has for us. It is the blueprint for our life if you will. It will give you the guidance and provide you with all the truth you need to live your life in accordance with God’s will. It is a story about the greatest love a Father could ever have for His Son. It’s about Jesus and his time here on earth. Everything that you hear in church…


Think back to when you were younger and the expectations you had of what your life would be like when you were a grown up. Maybe you sit there and you wonder where you have gone wrong or you feel like you are not worth enough because you “aren’t successful enough.” What about the expectations you have of God and what He should be doing for you? Have you ever been so frustrated because maybe what you had expected of God didn’t turn out as planned and because it did not go that way it led you astray? What about the expectations you had of what your husband would be like or even what motherhood would turn out to be? Have you ever really thought about how our expectations can hinder our present. How somehow this magical list of things you thought life would be is robbing you of your present joy. It isn’t that your expectations were wrong, but if you keep expecting these expectations instead of living in your moment of present joy you are only robbing yourself. No, it isn’t wrong to still have expectations of what…