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Browsing Tag: peace

The Set Back

For those of you who have followed my story know that I have struggled with an eating disorder. If you haven’t heard my story I wrote a blog about my journey which is titled Shattered, so you can go back and read it. Towards the end of summer I started to feel really convicted about me being obsessed with my body. I would sit in the mirror and critique myself on how all the ways I look disgusting and awful. I am too fat, I have too much cellulite, my mom pooch is sticking out, etc. I would see someone on Instagram or Facebook that would instantly make me degrade myself in a bikini. I would make myself get up go to the gym to workout at 5:30 so that I made sure and made time to get my workout in before anything else. I was going backwards and not forwards with how I chose to see myself and my body. You see there is one problem with this, what I was doing with my body wasn’t honoring God, it was dishonoring Him. Instead of me investing in my time with Him I was investing…

Where are you looking..

“Whatever you identify as the source of your stress, determines where you seek your peace.”- Steven Furtick This quote really resonated with me as I listened to this podcast. There has been a lot going on in my life lately, and I am completely guilty for letting the stress of all these things determine where I am seeking my peace. It’s easy to blame these stressors as the thieves of your peace, but in all reality it’s my choices that are robbing me of my peace. It’s our lack of patience in trusting in our creator that the peace that He chooses to bring to us is enough, even when what He brings isn’t what we would have chosen. It doesn’t mean that you have to be enduring extremely hard and painful trials on a path to finding peace, it can be mundane life things that disrupt your peace. For me some days it’s my children, trying to tame our crazy schedules, trying to juggle my marriage while trying to be the best mom I can be, trying to maintain my friendships, or working on making…