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Browsing Tag: seymour tx

It’s ok that it’s not ok!

I am currently in the place of learning that it is ok that it isn’t ok. Life has been throwing some pretty crazy curveballs and life has become heavy. So many around me are going through difficult times, and I am trying to stay positive when my life is crumbling around me. Have you ever had times like these and when you so desperately want to hear from God, but He has never felt further away? I know God was calling me here, but the recipe for disaster for starting and opening a business has unfolded before my eyes and unfortunately it has happened to me. The way I thought everything was going to go is now taking a complete 180 and is changing. The future has never felt more uncertain. I can definitely feel the enemy at work trying to bring all my insecurities to the surface. He absolutely loves times like these when you are overwhelmed, confused, frustrated and even angry with God. This made me think about Adam and Eve. Their life was perfect enjoying all the goodness the Lord had to offer them; all they weren’t allowed to do was eat from…

Whiteside Museum of Natural History

We live in a small town of Seymour, Tx so having places to go like this are rare. We are so thankful that our community has this museum. This museum has more than just dinosaur bones to look at, it has live creatures for you to explore from spiders, lizards, fish and snakes. It also has life-like figures of dinosaurs and many other local and exotic animals. Recently a new statue of the Dimetrodon was unveiled out front, and my girls loving seeing it every time we drive by.  Just recently also they added a new web series called “Bonebeds,” and it gives you a behind the scenes and more in depth look at what goes on when they are at a dig site and the new discoveries they find.  The back of the Museum there are giant windows and you can see all the microscopes and tools and tons of bones that they are working on. They have scopes set up for kids to able to look into the microscopes and see what cool things they are finding. Everyone that works there is very sweet and patient and will tell you all about what they are…