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Browsing Tag: trust

His Will Over Yours

Before all this Coronavirus craziness happened I had been praying big prayers, well big prayers for me anyways. I had been praying for God to strengthen my trust in Him, for Him to help me grow more in my faith. Never in my life did I think I would be tested like this so quickly. I have been so angry at God and frustrated. I have sat here questioning myself, did I hear Him correctly?, I know this is what He was pointing me towards but why does everything feel so wrong?! It’s so easy for us when the path gets hard to question God and his goodness. The world we live in offers us a multitude of compromises in our relationship with God, and if we have strayed to far it’s going to be easier for us to give in. I have learned that to live a life according to His will is full of  sacrifices, heartache and fears, but on the other side of that is experiencing a love greater than I ever knew could be possible. There is so much uncertainty ahead for all of us, people losing their jobs, people putting their…

Where The Weeds Grow

“Some seed fell on the foot path and the birds ate it, other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock and sprang up quickly, but it soon wilted beneath the hot sun and died because the root had no nourishment in the soil. Other seed fell among thorns that shot up and choked out the tender blades so that it produced no grain. Still other seed fell on fertile soil and produced a crop thirty, sixty and even hundred times are much.” Mark4:4-8 NLT The seed can be put out in the same field and have different results, but why? The seed cannot be planted if your heart is hard and so closed off from God it cannot even fight its way in. Your ears are being filled with our enemies lies instead of letting the truth in. Where God is trying to work in you, Satan is trying ten times harder. You can be in your walk with God and be connected to Him, but the roots are not deep enough for it to take hold and flourish. We can be in a place where we receive the word and we know the right…