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Learning Curve

Just recently I was listening to a podcast by Rachel and Dave Hollis called Rise Together, and it had to do with the 5 ways to show up for your partner. They each have their own perspective which is nice and I listened to both, and it was so good so I thought I would share. I do not do talk radio…it drives me nuts, and Adam loves it but for some reason, but I love listening to podcasts lol. Some I love because they make me laugh and some because they challenge me and help me to grow. If we want to have a thriving marriage we have to thrive in our own personal growth to thrive for each other. Pursue This is the first thing they bring up and once you have been married for awhile and you throw a few kids into the mix and the idea of pursuing goes by the way side. You need to be flirting and letting them know how much you are in love with them. A small “You look really beautiful today” goes a long way. Do the things that you did for each other before you…


The highs and lows of being a mom are oh so real. I had no idea when I became a Mom how much giving of myself it would take. There are days when being with girls fuels me, and there are those days when it drains the life out of me. Lately during summer I have felt more like a constant referee than a mom. Being a mom is hard and exhausting, it has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day I would not trade these girls for anything. I have found that reading devotionals or bible studies encourage me truly help open my eyes as a mother and have a more optimistic outlook on my day. It helps me to be more patient with them and to show them a little more grace. Because at the end of the day, they are kids and they are going to make many mistakes.  As a mom we are asked to raise these tiny humans to grow up and be people of God and to love as He loves us. That’s a huge and scary responsibility because you don’t want to make the wrong…