The Road Ahead

I just started reading in the book of Judges. I never really realized how dark it is. There are a lot of different trials and hard things that have happened so far and I am only about to start Chapter 5. I just got done reading about Barak, well almost done, I know that I will learn some more of him a little later. Just the other day I could see a light at the end of this long tunnel, the economy is slowly trying to start again, we can go out to restaurants, I have never been more excited to be able to get beautiful flowers and plant them in my life.. thanks Mom for going to grab some for me. Then the light fades again as the oil and gas industry took the biggest hit of its life and it affects my family and so many people I know and love. It feels like we are in constant turmoil. Fear is running at an all time high and the unknown seems so scary you almost want to know to just prepare yourself.

As I read Barak’s story it reminded me of where we are right now in this world. The Israelites keep falling into apostasy, and Deborah who is a prophetess was judging Israel but she knew she was not sent to deliver them alone so she sent for Barak. Barak was a leader of an army, and God had already spoken to him so when Deborah sent for him he knew. When Deborah told him where God was wanting him to go and what to do he told her; “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me; I will not go. And she said, “I will surely go with you. Nevertheless, the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hands of a woman.” Judges 4:8-9.

When Barak demanded this of Deborah it showed that he trusted and had more faith in her than he did in God. He trusted in her physical presence more than the presence of God. How many times have we been like this and especially now with the world like it is? How many times have you sat and stared at the news to bring you peace? How long have you sat there listening to every word that is coming out of their mouths like it is going to save you? How many times have you sat there and desperately searched for something of this world to bring you comfort? It’s so easy right now to feel like you are alone, that you are walking into this fearful world without someone by your side. You may not have someone physically but He is walking with you, you just have to trust without being able to see it.

The second time God needed great brave things from Barak he listened. He didn’t think about it for one second, he went where he was called and God delivered just as He had promised. Barak was going into a place with an extreme disadvantage, his enemies mounting but he came out on the other side. You see God is faithful; He is good even though right now there are so may things happening that would make you think otherwise, but He is. It is ok to see advice or listen to encouragement about our faith but that should never replace our need for Him or our trust in Him.  Our obedience to Him will always be tested because we live in a dark world, but the question is, when we fail will we rise up again to glorify Him?

I would be lying if I said what all is going on in our world isn’t scary or overwhelming at times but at the end of the day He is our everything. There is also change happening right now and I would say change that has been needing to happen for a long time. We are spending more time with our families, we are turning our hearts towards God. We are being forced to slow down our lives and you know what, it’s pretty awesome. We are realizing that the small things are truly the BIG things. He is our beginning and our end. His love for us knows no bounds. I pray we start praying and seeking Him and His presence more, there is no better time. It’s ok to be scared, but don’t let that fear hold you back from where He is calling you. His word holds all the truth you will ever need in this world. Sometimes we don’t need relief from where we are, where we are is what God is using to grow us closer to Him.


About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Rachael Hons | 24th Apr 20

    LOVE! Happy Friday!

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