Where are you looking..

“Whatever you identify as the source of your stress, determines where you seek your peace.”- Steven Furtick

This quote really resonated with me as I listened to this podcast. There has been a lot going on in my life lately, and I am completely guilty for letting the stress of all these things determine where I am seeking my peace. It’s easy to blame these stressors as the thieves of your peace, but in all reality it’s my choices that are robbing me of my peace. It’s our lack of patience in trusting in our creator that the peace that He chooses to bring to us is enough, even when what He brings isn’t what we would have chosen. It doesn’t mean that you have to be enduring extremely hard and painful trials on a path to finding peace, it can be mundane life things that disrupt your peace. For me some days it’s my children, trying to tame our crazy schedules, trying to juggle my marriage while trying to be the best mom I can be, trying to maintain my friendships, or working on making that number on the scale say exactly what I want. If all of this would just fall into place then I would be at peace. This list can go on and on but we cannot expect all of this to change and us just sit here standing still.

If we begin to seek peace from earthly things we are going to be vastly disappointed, because it will let you down every time. You cannot place the trust of your peace in another human being. We were not made to handle the immense job of granting His peace to people. The peace that God provides you and the peace He can give will make you see the world through a different light. If you are enduring a situation that is difficult with someone and you are waiting for them to give you this peace that everything will be ok, my sweet friend you will spend eternity waiting because we are not made to provide you with the precious gift of peace that our creator can give. I know that motherhood can be exhausting, overwhelming and so stressful at times, but you need to seek God’s peace in motherhood. We cannot let the stress filled moments cloud us from seeking peace. Do not seek His peace to get you out of it, but to guide you through it. If you are like me trying to juggle your marriage and motherhood, you are trying to live up to these impossible standards that we are made to believe are the best. Seek God’s peace through this season. Seek His peace and accept your weaknesses for what they are and allow His strength to make you stronger.

” When He brings you out of something, He does not let you chose your escape route.” Steven Furtick

He has never said that life is going to be easy. It will be full of trials, and trials that are not always huge; they can be small but these things are what keeps our faith fruitful. These times that drive us to seek Him instead of saying it’s ok Lord I can handle it. To find His peace is consistent work at staying connected to Him. If we knew His plan we would not enjoy the beauty of His work near as much. It is beautiful to see where He takes you and it’s beautiful to see where He meets you. God has met me in some really dark valleys and he has met me in some beautiful moments too. I pray that you begin to seek His peace in the small mundane things and in the big painful things. He is always there and waiting to walk with you if you will listen. Seek His peace where you are. Allow His peace to light your path and guide you in whatever season you are in.

You make known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.- Psalm 16:11

About The Author

leslie hertel


  1. Heather Hart | 14th Jan 19

    I can so relate to this. With so many things demanding my attention, it’s easy to let them stress me out, but when we seek our peace from Jesus, they are just things in the background. It definitly puts them in perspective. So glad Mrs. BK told me about your blog today!

    • leslie hertel | 14th Jan 19

      Yes it is. It is so sad how afraid of the quiet we get because we are always tempted by so many distractions. I am glad you enjoying reading.:)

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