Which Way

How many of you are like me and love to be in control? How many people like me live in the fear of what ifs or let your mind and soul become so consumed with anxiety that those voices get so loud you begin to question which way is the right way? Or how about the times God is trying to shut doors that you are wanting desperately to open but He is saying No? There are times He says no and you will be in a season of waiting that tests your patience and your faith, maybe He needs you in the valley so that He can break you down only to remake you and make you whole through Him. I am not going to sit here and pretend like I haven’t tried to lean on my own understanding more than God’s because I have many times. There have also been the times that I have let my own fears and anxiety cause me to not follow the path which He is trying to take me on. I have cried out to Him in my times in the valley and in the darkness because I felt like He had abandoned me. Then as my faith grew I began to understand that there is not testimony without Him testing you.

“God doesn’t always live up to your expectations but He always lives up to His word.” Pastor Jeremy Foster

Face the Giant. Part 1: Dealing with Doubt

This quote hit me hard when I was listening to this podcast. How many times have I let my expectations tarnish my faith? My own expectations have so many times determined how I viewed our creator, and when they weren’t met, I doubted myself, my faith and questioned whether God was really there for me or not. There have been way more times than I would like to admit where I have let fear and anxiety run my life and I have trusted in the enemy’s lies more than His truths in who I am. Now as I sit here in the awe of what He has done for me what He was guiding me towards is far greater than I could ever fathom. Just recently in my bible study I was reading in Matthew and these couple verses stuck with me, “The one who sows the good seed is the son of man. The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil.” Matthew 13:37-39. In the field of His richness the enemy is hard at work planting as many weeds as possible to create this doubt in ourselves, fear, anxiety, the list goes on. The enemy will be there every step of the way confusing you, but if we are drawn close to His word those seeds will be nourished and grow far beyond the weeds.

“Experience is the friend of wisdom but it can be the enemy of faith”- Steven Furtick

Elevation with Steven Furtick. February 24,2019: 50/50 Faith.

Our experiences help make us and they can also break us at times. When we rely on our experiences more than our faith we are losing sight of God and the plans He has for us. For me He does not communicate using His voice. I anxiously await that day but for now it’s with these nudges and they don’t go away. Coincidences, I call it God intervening, is when He is trying to show me something, and if those do not work He has put people in my path at the right time to make me listen to what He is trying to show me. It truly is awesome the lengths He will go to speak to you, and is that not just so awesome how much He truly loves us? He has created you and given you amazing abilities but make sure that what you are doing is honoring and bringing glory to His name. When you are connected to His word it will supply you with the wisdom and courage that you need. Make sure that the seeds that are being sown are from His richness and not the weeds of the enemy.

About The Author

leslie hertel